Yahoo! Real-time search

Yahoo! Real-time search

Perfect for killing time during your commute to work or rummy time downloadschool, or while waiting in line. You can see what's trending on X (formerly Twitter) in real time!

◆What is Yahoo!'s real-time search application?

The official (free) application of Yahoo! Real-time search that allows you to search all posts on X (formerly Twitter) for free.

In addition to research, we also provide a compact summary of popular information on X (formerly Twitter), interesting images, interesting videos and other popular information.

◇◇Principais características◇◇

(1) Classification

You can search for entertainment, current events, games, IT information, etc. which are trending on X (formerly Twitter) all at once in one ranking. The information is updated in real time, so you can check the latest trends at any time, and it's also useful for killing time while you wait.

(2) Popular Tweets

You can see popular funny images and videos on X (formerly Twitter) at once. Perfect for looking for conversation topics with friends or at work.

(3) Train delay

You can know information about train delays in real time. This is a convenient feature that allows you to record the routes you use regularly and notify you of any delays as soon as they occur.

(4) Watch

By watching topics such as your favorite idols, bands, actors/actresses, games, anime, etc., you can quickly find out about current topics among fans, event information, funny videos, entertainment, game information, etc.

There are many hot topics on SNS, such as “The content of MC live!”, “Information on sightings of wrapped vehicles”, and “Advance reservations of goods available”.

(5) X Search (formerly Twitter)

Celebrities also often use it to research their ego. You can also search for information that can only be found here, such as entertainment topics you are interested in, names of your favorite idols, exchanging concert tickets, game information, and event audience information.

(6) Immediate notification of disasters, weather, delays and earthquakes

If you register words that interest you, such as the latest weather information such as earthquakes, heavy rains and typhoons, information about train delays and traffic congestion, you will be notified in real time when the number of posts increases.

◇◇This information is convenient to know◇◇

・Don't miss the latest news and funny videos!

・Learn all the latest topics about your favorite celebrities!

・If an earthquake occurs, we will contact you as soon as possible and check the situation on site! 

・Even if you can't watch TV, you can also watch live commentary of baseball, football, relay races, etc.

・X (formerly Twitter) Easily post to Twitter, Facebook and LINE. If you find something interesting, share it with your friends!

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