ERB assistant job search

ERB Assistant Job Recruitment

Good works for "Lohuo Station" and "One Moon Station" are within your reach

“Lohas One Stop” and “Confinement One Stop” are home service referral platforms organized by the Employees Retraining Board (ERB). Interns who have completed relevant ERB courses can register as "Lohas One Stop" and "One Postnatal Care Station" assistants through "ERB Assistant Job Search" to search and apply for suitable jobs. Once selected by the employer, the system will immediately send a notification to the assistant, and both parties can contact the assistant directly to discuss employment arrangements.

User Registration Qualifications

Completion of any of the following ERB courses is required:

- Basic Certificate in Domestic Help

- Basic Caregiver Certificate

- Basic Certificate for Clinic Attendant

- Basic Certificate for Elderly Carers

- Basic Certificate for Home Caregiver of Discharged Patients

- Health Nurse Certificate

- Basic Certificate in Healthcare Support Personnel (Clinical Patient Services)

- Basic health massage certificate

- Basic Certificate in Pet Grooming and Store Assistant

- Pet Grooming Assistant Basic Certificate - Youth Development Program

- Basic Pet Caregiver Certificate

- Basic certificate for postpartum care attendants

- Basic Certificate for Baby and Child Caregivers

- Basic After School Care Tutor Certificate

Functions of the "ERB Assistant Job Search" mobile application

- Prosperity Fortune TreeRegister new user

- Complete CV (before applying for a job, a completed CV must be submitted for the employer to consider the application)

- Search and browse all “LOHAS One Stop” and “Confinement Care One Stop” enrollment openings

- Apply for vacancies (each assistant can apply for up to 3 vacancies per day)

- Receive messages (if selected by the employer, the system will immediately send a notification to the assistant, and both parties can contact each other directly to discuss work arrangements)

- Transfer files (including employment insurance bank receipts, masseuse registration documents, etc.) to the Recycling Department, "Lohas Center" and "One Stop for Postnatal Care"

- Sign up for continuing education activities

For questions about the "ERB Assistant Job Search" mobile application, please contact the relevant training center, "Lohas Center" or "One Stop for Postnatal Care".

Plushie Frenzy